Friday, June 29, 2007

The 28th questions tag

1- How many advantages ( good qualities) u have ? ( just count )
A lot really I cannot count them.

2- How many disadvantages u have ? 3eobak ( just count )
I don’t have. So the answer is ZERO.

3- If u have to rename yourself , wt your name will be ?

4- What do u want to reborn as? (Something 3'er el human y3ne)

5-when u was a child, kont bt7lm tkon 2eh? (if haven't any dream , skip this)
Very rich man married 4 women.

6- How many years u want to live?
7- How many people u really hurt ( 2zethom f3ln ) in ur life ?

8- How many people hurt u & their behavior change u to be worst?
0, no one can do that.

9- as u have n number of disadvantages, would u like to change it all or part of it? In another word, does u really regrets these things?
Sorry, I don’t have disadvantages, so I’ll escape this question.

10- Your best color(s) at max 3 colors?
Blue, Green, and red.

11-Do u ever do something knowing it's a wrong? or do u repeats the same mistakes ?
Yes, a lot.

12-If u promise to not do smth , will you do it for any reasons ?
Sure, No.

13- Would u die for someone? (To really replace someone in death? if yes how many?
Yes, 1.

14- Would u die after someone? (Not physically death but its end of your life).
Yes, 1.

15- If u have to take decision in something, & u have these considerations
Your heart - your brain - people - circumstances
Sort them according to their Priorities for u ..
My brain, circumstances, my heart, and then people.

16- The most natural scenes Affects you ?
Nothing, actually.

17- The last thing u wish to see before u dead, or the last one?
My daughter; Mariem.

18- What is in the top of your dream list? (Mention at least one).
Get married, be employee at Microsoft.

19- Mention two things from your believes (7agat mn el donia like mbad2 mslan)?
- Egypt is the best country all over the world.
- Microsoft is the best technology vendor.

20 - When u face a problem which makes u feel lost, who is the first one u wish to see?
No one, I like to think alone.

21- What do u think in when u see these words: (if it has special meaning for u)
Winter: cold
Autumn: nothing, really I don’t think in that at all.
Summer: I love this season because I love soooo much the hot air.
Spring: sandstorms, I don’t like it
Night: the worst time I live, I like summer because its night is so small comparing with winter’s night period.
Light: I swear, I don’t describe to anyone how much I love light. I love summer because its daylight is much bigger winter’s one.
Closed window: just a closed window, no more no less.
A baby cried: no one understand him/her, s/he needs something.
Child who ask people for money in metro msln: el 7amdo lliah 3la 2ly ana fih.
Something broken: nothing. It live period ended.
Empty Street: remember ALLAH.

22-Life is a ... (life like wt in your eyes just one reason for your answer is enough)
Life is life, work, fatigue and death.

23- If u have the following 3 doors each one give u a chance for something, which door u will choose:
1- Door A: door let u see ur future and take u there directly
2- Door B: door will take u to the past (but u will not change your fate , just bt3esh el mady tany )
3- Door C: door will make u change only one thing in ur life (y7'lek t3'er 7aga w7da f mshklk w tfdl f ur current life)
I’ll let them closed, I don’t want to know my future I’ve confidence in my abilities, I don’t change any small details in my past, and I am sure I am the one who has a less number of problems all over the world.

24- If u put in a situation which u have to choose one person from the following (Your father or mother, your baby, your sister, person u don't know, yourself, your love)
a- You have to choose one of them to die? My mother
b- You have to choose one of them to save? My mother
I should do that, she is my mother!!

25- Are you from the kind of people who get optimistic or pessimistic from seeing something or someone? If yes what is it?
Sure no, nothing affects me at all.

26-Do you think that people misunderstand u a lot? If yes, give %
Yes, 5%.

27- If I told you to sort the people you really know & admire in your life, then give yourself a place between them, what will be your order ?( 1'st , 2nd .... n )

28- Finally, by which % u was sincerity in your answers?
I think 98%.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

حبيبتي من تكون... حبيبتي من تكون

النهارده ان شاء الله هنسلم المشروع. مشروع التخرج وهنام ان شاء الله وهفضى بقى واستنى الجيش
اكيد الناس يعيني مفحوته دلوقتي الساعه حاليا 3:48 بعد منتصف الليل لا اوعى حد يفهمني صح اننا مخلصين وكده
اصل في بجز وكده وانا زهقت فابكره ان شاء الله ابقى اصلحها
وانتم عاملين اه؟
انا لوبموت تعرف هقولك مبسوط اهون عليا الموت ان اضعف
يا بخت العالم بتوع اي اس اكيد نايمين ومخلصين بقلهوم سبعين سنه ويابخت بتوع سي اس مهما برضو مش بيشتغلوا
الوضع مأسوي حاليا بجد يعني انا عاوز انا دلوقتي بس لسه مكوتش القميص هيطلع حد يسألني دلوقتي هو انت من امتي بتكوي لبسك اجاوب انا بقى عليه لا النهارده ان شاء الله يوم مختلف هنلبس ان شاء الله البدله وكده

اجدع ناس بقى بجد الي هما هيكملوا على المشروع بتعهم يعني مش اول مايسلموا المشروع يموت
مش مهم انك هاتتشغل بس خليه معاك كل اسبوع اكتب سطر ابتكر
ممكن يكون حاجه كبيره بعد كده
يا بخت بنات الدفعه معندهومش جيش
ويابحت اي اس علشان نايمين برضه
نفسي العب ماتش كوره حالا فالجو الرائع ده
الي حصل مع زيروكس في طبع الدكيومنتاشن يدل ان مهما كان عندك مصادر كويسه او امكانيات فلابد من وجود قائد علشان الشغل يمشي عدل انا نش هحكي اه الي حصل بس الي عاوز يعرف يسأل سوأل محدد وانا هجوبه بأذن الله
وعلى رأي المثل الي ملهوش كبير يشتريلو كبير
يعني اه دروس الواحد بيتعلم منها و و و و خخخخخخخخخخخخ

Thursday, June 14, 2007



Saturday, June 02, 2007

شاي استكوليوس Estakolios Tea

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
عاملين اه يا شباب بعض الامتحانات اكيد محدش بينام.. طبعا الواحد بينام يصحي من كابوس انو بيناقش المشروع و اصلا المشروع ابيض المهم النهارده هنتكلم عن موضوع مهم جدا وهو ازاي تعمل شاي استكوليوس
شاي استكوليوس شاي مش عادي مش زي الشاي الي بنشربوا شاي يعدل المزاج ويخليك تشتغل فالمشروع بقوه 3 حصان وممكن ازيد لو الكوبايه بتاعتك كبيره
طبعا انا المفاجأه بتاعت البوست ده اني عامل فيديو يشرح كيفيه عمله

Video: 2stakolios Tea