In the name of ALLAH
It's my first year to celebrate my birthday on my second home my blog, and as usual I'll wish something for me, I wish to be more obeyed to ALLAH, I wish to not lose anybody I knew, I wish to be lovable in my faculty, I wish to celebrate next birthday with my wife :D, I wish no one upsets from me for any reason, I wish next year to be in MICROSOFT in SQL Server team, I wish that my father, mother and my cute brothers to be satisfied on me, I wish to all my brothers and sisters in my cute faculty; nice life and to be good developers, I wish to not carry :D physics again and Architecture (Physical Architecture) again, I hope to all carriers :D to be clean next semester isA, I wish the world to know the right meaning of ISLAM, I wish to get ADSL, I wish to be famous in my faculty :D, with good aspects and good ethics and mmmmmmmmmmm… forgot something…. I hope to bring for me a gift :D